2021年 发表论文统计表

序号 论文题目 第一作者 期刊名称 ISSN 卷期号 起始页码 结束页码 1 TEAseq-based identification of 35,696 Dissociation insertional mutations facilitates functional genomic studies in maize 吕明杰 Journal of Genetics and Genomics 1673-8527 vol. 421 115 127 2 The cysteine-rich receptor-like kinase TaCRK3 contributes to defense against Rhizoctonia cerealis in wheat Feilong Guo †, Tianci Wu †, Fangdi Shen†, Gangbiao Xu† JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 0022-0957 72(20) 6904 6919 3 The receptor-like kinase TaCRK-7A inhibits Fusarium pseudograminearum growth and mediates resistance to Fusarium crown rot in wheat Tianci Wu ; Feilong Guo Biology-Basel 无 10 1122 ,1 1122,10 4 玉米SNAC转录因子的基因结构特征与逆境调控预测 罗平 中国农业科技导报 1008-0864 23.0(10.0) 35.0 44.0 5 水肥一体化条件下施氮量对密植春玉米茎秆抗倒伏性状的影响 翟娟 玉米科学 1005-0906 29.0(5.0) 137.0 144.0 6 基于表型性状和SSR分子标记构建甜荞初级核心种质 李金龙 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(5.0) 1240.0 1247.0 7 苦荞转录因子FtNAC11的克隆及其功能分析 杨迪 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(5.0) 1430.0 1441.0 8 Identification and fine mapping of alien fragments associated with enhanced grain weight from Agropyron cristatum chromosome 7P in common wheat backgrounds 孙洋洋 Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 134.0(11.0) 3759.0 3772.0 9 Biotransformation of flavonoids improves antimicrobial and anti‐breast cancer activities in vitro Yanpeng Hao Foods 2304-8158 10.0(10.0) 1 16 10 Molecular cytogenetic analysis of the introgression between agropyron cristatum p genome and wheat genome 张智;;周升辉 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 22.0(20.0) 1 15 11 Genome-Wide Linkage Mapping for Preharvest Sprouting Resistance in Wheat Using 15K Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Arrays Lingli Li Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 0 0 12 Exploring the phenotypic stability of soybean seed compositions using multi-trait stability index approach Ahmed M. Abdelghany;;Shengrui Zhang Agronomy 2073-4395 11 1 13 13 Transcriptome differences in response mechanisms to low-nitrogen stress in two wheat varieties 闫慧姝;;史华伟;;胡成梅 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 22.0(22.0) 1 15 14 TaIAA21 represses TaARF25-mediated expression of TaERFs required for grain size and weight development in wheat Jia M;;Li Y;;Wang Z;;Tao S PLANT JOURNAL 0960-7412 online 1 13 15 The pentatricopeptide repeat protein EMP603 is required for the splicing of mitochondrial Nad1 intron 2 and seed development in maize Fan Kaijian;; Ren Zhenjing JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 0022-0957 72 6933 6948 16 Quantifying senescence in bread wheat using multispectral imaging from an unmanned aerial vehicle and QTL mapping Muhammad Adeel Hassan PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 0032-0889 00 1 14 17 ZmSNAC13, a maize NAC transcription factor conferring enhanced resistance to multiple abiotic stresses in transgenic Arabidopsis Ping Luo;Yong Chen PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 0981-9428 12 1 11 18 Assessment of Resistance to Cereal Cyst Nematode, Stripe Rust, and Powdery Mildew in Wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium Derivatives and Their Chromosome Composition Cui lei PLANT DISEASE 0191-2917 22 1 9 19 Molecular Characterizationof All-Stage and Adult-Plant Resistance Loci Against Powdery Mildew in Winter Wheat Cultivar Liangxing 99 Using BSR-Seq Technology Shi Xiaohan PLANT DISEASE 0191-2917 0 1 8 20 Diversification of Plant Agronomic Traits by Genome Editing of Brassinosteroid Signaling Family Genes in Rice Dapu Liu; Zhikun YuGuoxia Zhang; PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 0032-0889 kiab394 1 14 21 Development and characterization of novel Triticum aestivum‑Agropyron cristatum 6P Robertsonian translocation lines 亓凯;;韩海明 MOLECULAR BREEDING 1380-3743 41 1 13 22 A Cryptic Inhibitor of Cytokinin Phosphorelay Controls Rice Grain Size Dapu Liu; He Zhao Molecular Plant 1674-2052 21 S1674 2052 23 A transposon in the vacuolar sorting receptor gene TaVSR1-B promoter region is associated with wheat root depth at booting stage 王景一;李龙;李超男 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 (2021) 19 1456 1467 24 Genome-Wide DNA Polymorphism Analysis and Molecular Marker Development for the Setaria italica Variety “SSR41” and Positional Cloning of the Setaria White Leaf Sheath Gene SiWLS1 Hui Zhang Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 November 2021 1 13 25 Genetic control and phenotypic characterization of panicle architecture and grain yield-related traits in foxtail millet (Setaria italica) Hui Zhi;; Qiang He Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 134(9) 3023 3036 26 Identification of no pollen 1 provides a candidate gene for heterosis utilization in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) Wei Zhang The Crop Journal 2095-5421 暂无 1 11 27 Identification and characterization of long-InDels through whole genome resequencing to facilitate fine-mapping of QTL for plant height in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) 刘晨;;田宇 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 Advanced Online Publication: 2021 1 13 28 Molecular mapping and characterization of QBp.caas‑3BL for black point resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cuihe Liu THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 0040-5752 134 3279 3286 29 RNAi technology for plant protection and its application in wheat Liu S aBIOTECH 2096-6326 6 1 10 30 QTL analysis for plant height and fine mapping of two environmentally stable QTL with major effects in soybean Tian Yu Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 Advance online publication: 2021 1 18 31 鄂伦春旗耕地土壤有机质含量的时空变化趋势及其与大豆产量的关系 高玉秋 农学学报 2095-4050 11 57 63 32 The NF-Y-PYR module integrates the abscisic acid signal pathway to regulate plant stress tolerance 于太飞;;刘英;;付金东;;马建 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 20 1 17 33 Genome-Wide Analysis of the DUF4228 Family in Soybean and Functional Identification of GmDUF4228 -70 in Response to Drought and Salt Stresses 冷志新;;刘英;;陈展宇 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 1 18 34 Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae pathotypes prevalent in South China Lu Jialing The Crop Journal 2095-5421 0 1 10 35 Leaf photosynthetic and anatomical insights into mechanisms of acclimation in rice in response to long-term fluctuating light 卫泽 PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 0140-7791 44: 747–761 747 761 36 Cloning and functional analysis of soluble acid invertase 2 gene (SbSAI-2) in sorghum 乌云坦满达 PLANTA 0032-0935 255 1 13 37 Soy Protein Alleviates Malnutrition in Weaning Rats by Regulating Gut Microbiota Composition and Serum Metabolites Zuchen Wei;;Nong Zhou Frontiers in Nutrition 2296-861X 8 1 16 38 Characterization of the genetic basis of local adaptation of wheat landraces from Iran and Pakistan using genome-wide association study Uzma Hanif;Hadi Alipour Plant Genome 1940-3372 e20096 1 17 39 Responses of maize hybrids with contrasting maturity to planting date in Northeast China Fulai Ke Scientific Reports 2045-2322 11 1 9 40 Transcriptional analyses of maize leaves in response to high-density planting Chenghao Zhao AGRONOMY JOURNAL 0002-1962 31 1 37 41 Identification of major QTL for waterlogging tolerance in maize using genome-wide association study and bulked sample analysis 郭子锋;;周双针 Journal of Applied Genetics 1234-1983 - 1 14 42 Wildfire, a new bacterial disease of mung bean, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci 孙素丽 J. Plant Pathol. 1125-4653 103 649 653 43 Molecular mapping and identification of a candidate gene for new locus Hg2 conferring hairy glume in wheat Peipei Wu Plant Sci. 0168-9452 307 110879 110879 44 Fertility recovery of wheat male sterility controlled by Ms2 using CRISPR/Cas9 Huali Tang;;Huiyun Liu Plant Biotechnol. J. 1467-7644 19(2) 224 226 45 Genome-Wide Association Study Dissects Resistance Loci against Bacterial Blight in a Diverse Rice Panel from the 3000 Rice Genomes Project Jialing Lu Rice 1939-8425 14:22 1 13 46 Comparative transcriptome and metabolome profiling reveal molecular mechanisms underlying OsDRAP1-mediated salt tolerance in rice Yinxiao Wang Scientific Reports 2045-2322 11(1) 1 11 47 Transcriptional and post‐transcriptional regulation of heading date in rice Shanshan Zhu New Phytol. 0028-646X 230(3) 943 956 48 5-氨基乙酰丙酸和乙烯利对东北春玉米功能叶光合生理特性和产量的影响 李瑞杰 作物杂志 1001-7283 (01) 135 142 49 不同生态区冬小麦材料产量和品质对追氮量的响应 王玉娇 植物营养与肥料学报 1008-505X 27(04) 719 727 50 Rice FLOURY ENDOSPERM 18 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein required for 5′ processing of mitochondrial nad5 messenger RNA and endosperm development Ren Yulong Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1672-9072 63(5) 834 847 51 First report of Paramyrothecium foliicola causing leaf spot on Vigna radiata in China Sun F. F. Plant Disease 0191-2917 105(4) 1207 1207 52 Identification and expression characterisation of SbERECTA family genes in Sorghum bicolor Zheng Jia Cheng Crop and Pasture Science 1836-0947 72(2) 125 135 53 Effect of photoperiod on vitamin E and carotenoid biosynthesis in mung bean (Vigna radiata) sprouts Li J Food Chemistry 0308-8146 358 1 8 54 Small kernel 501 (smk501) encodes the RUBylation activating enzyme E1 subunit ECR1 (E1 C-TERMINAL RELATED 1) and is essential for multiple aspects of cellular events during kernel development in maize 陈全全 New Phytologist 0028-646X 230(6) 2337 2354 55 Genomic Prediction Across Structured Hybrid Populations and Environments in Maize Li D Plants 2223-7747 10 1174 1174 56 Development and application of the Faba_bean_130K targeted next-generation sequencing SNP genotyping platform based on transcriptome sequencing Chenyu Wang;;Rong Liu Theoretical And Applied Genetics 0040-5752 无 无 无 57 水稻中油菜素甾醇功能机制解析与分子设计利用 杨彦钊 生命的化学 1000-1336 41.0(6.0) 1171.0 1180.0 58 饭豆种质资源的主要品质性状评价 张金涛 中国粮油学报 1003-0174 36.0(8.0) 23.0 28.0 59 中国玉米机械粒收质量主要指标分析 王克如 作物学报 0496-3490 47.0(12.0) 2440.0 2449.0 60 The mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase TaMKK5mediates immunity via the TaMKK5–TaMPK3–TaERF3 module Kai Wang Plant Physiology 0032-0889 185.0 1.0 15.0 61 Physiological influence of stalk rot on maize lodging after physiological maturity 薛军 Agronomy-Basel 2073-4395 11 2271 2271 62 Genomic signatures of domestication and adaptation during geographical expansions of rice cultivation 郑晓明 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 无 1 3 63 Selection of the salt tolerance gene GmSALT3 during six decades of soybean breeding in China Rongxia Guan;;Lili Yu;; Xiexiang Liu Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 794241 794241 64 GmLUX2 基因的发现开辟“北豆南移”新路径 韩天富 中国科学生命科学 1674-7232 10.1360/SSV-2021-0014 1 5 65 BRITTLE PLANT1 is required for cell wall mechanical strength and plant development in rice Yuanyan Zhang, Yihua Wang, Chunming Wang Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1672-9072 63 865 877 66 Identification of the genetic locus associated with crinkled leaf phenotype in a soybean (Glycine max L.) mutant by BSA-Seq technology OCHAR Kingsley;;SU Bo-hong Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 无 无 无 67 The SoySNP618K array: A high-resolution SNP platform as a valuable genomic resource for soybean genetics and breeding Yan-fei Li;;Ying-hui Li Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1672-9072 无 0 0 68 Overexpression of TaSTT3b-2B improves resistance to sharp eyespot and increases grain weight in wheat 祝秀亮 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 13 1 14 69 大豆叶柄夹角相关基因GmILPA1单倍型分析 陈玲玲 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22(6) 1698 1707 70 大豆种质资源不同生育时期抗旱性鉴定评价 王兴荣;;刘章雄 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22(6) 1582 1594 71 强再生力水稻品种碳氮营养与激素生理特征研究 黄素华 作物学报 2095-5421 47 2278 2289 72 GmCRY1s modulate gibberellin metabolism to regulate soybean shade avoidance in response to reduced blue light 吕向光 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 14 298 314 73 Transcriptome profiling of developing leaf and shoot apices to reveal the molecular mechanism and co-expression genes responsible for the wheat heading date 杨宇昕 BMC Genomics 1471-2164 22 468 468 74 Analysis of β-D-glucan biosynthetic genes in oat reveals glucan synthesis regulation by light 张静 ANNALS OF BOTANY 0305-7364 127(3) 371 380 75 Improving the yield potential in maize by constructing the ideal plant type and optimizing the maize canopy structure Rongfa Li Food and Energy Security 2048-3694 无 1 13 76 Estimating leaf area index using unmanned aerial vehicle data: Shallow vs. 2 deep machine learning algorithms Shuaibing Liu PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 0032-0889 187.0(3.0) 1551.0 1576.0 77 绿豆种质资源苗期耐盐性鉴定及耐盐种质筛选 胡亮亮;; 王素华;; 作物学报 0496-3490 7 1 44 78 大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)致敏蛋白Gly m Bd 30K检测方法及低致敏优异种质鉴定 周明明 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22(1) 149 156 79 矮壮素配合氮肥全基施对华北夏玉米氮素利用的调控效应1 马正波 应用生态学报 1001-9332 32.0(3.0) 931.0 941.0 80 14个亚洲国家水稻种质资源的苗期耐寒性评价 赵宗耀 云南农业大学学报(自然科学) 1004-390X 36.0(3.0) 393.0 401.0 81 追忆国际卓越小麦育种家拉贾拉姆 邢清清 麦类作物学报 1009-1041 (6.0) 1 5 82 大豆百粒重相关基因的全基因组发掘分析 宿洋 作物杂志 1001-7283 (3) 8 18 83 Pyramiding favorable alleles in an elite wheat variety in one generation by CRISPR-Cas9-mediated multiplex gene editing Jinman Luo Molecular Plant 1674-2052 14.0(6.0) 847.0 850.0 84 Allelic variation of soybean maturity genes e1–e4 in the huang-huai-hai river valley and the northwest china Xinyue Zhang Agriculture (Switzerland) 2077-0472 11.0(6.0) 1 9 85 Fate of chlorpyrifos, omethoate, cypermethrin, and deltamethrin during wheat milling and Chinese steamed bread processing Lili Yu Food Science and Nutrition 2048-7177 9.0(6.0) 2791.0 2800.0 86 Fine mapping and validation of a major QTL for grain weight on chromosome 5B in bread wheat 赵德辉,,杨莉 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 0040-5752 00 00 00 87 QTL Mapping for Grain Zinc and Iron Concentrations in Bread Wheat 王悦 Frontiers in Nutrition 2296-861X 8:680391 1 11 88 Impacts of Nitrogen Deficiency on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Grain During the Medium Filling Stage: Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Comparisons Yanjie Wang ,, Demei Wang Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X Volume 12 1 20 89 Difference in corn kernel moisture content between pre- and post-harvest Lu-lu LI Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20(7) 1775 1782 90 The cloning and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis of a male sterility gene MS1 of soybean Bingjun Jiang;;Li Chen Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 19.0(6.0) 1098.0 1100.0 91 GmMs1 encodes a kinesin-like protein essential for male fertility in soybean (Glycine max L.) Muhammad Nadeem Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1672-9072 63.0(6.0) 1054.0 1064.0 92 Evolutionary analysis and functional characterization of SiBRI1 as a Brassinosteroid receptor gene in foxtail millet Zhiying Zhao BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 21.0(1.0) 1 20 93 Genome-Wide Association Study of the Genetic Basis of Effective Tiller Number in Rice Mengmeng Ren Rice 1939-8425 14.0(1.0) 56 66 94 Breeding by design for future rice: Genes and genome technologies Jianlong Xu Crop Journal 2095-5421 9.0(3.0) 491.0 496.0 95 Genetic gain for grain micronutrients and their association with phenology in historical wheat cultivars of Pakistan released between 1911 and 2016 in Pakistan Muzzafar Shaukat Agronomy 2073-4395 11.0(6.0) 00 00 96 Molecular mechanisms of salinity tolerance in rice Tianxiao Chen Crop Journal 2095-5421 9.0(3.0) 506.0 520.0 97 Breeding by selective introgression: Theory, practices, and lessons learned from rice Fan Zhang Crop Journal 2095-5421 9.0(3.0) 646.0 657.0 98 Simultaneous determination of carotenoids and chlorophylls by the hplc-uv-vis method in soybean seeds Berhane Sibhatu Gebregziabher;;Shengrui Zhang Agronomy 2073-4395 11 758 none 99 Field-based screening and haplotyping of j locus for long juvenile trait in tropical soybean genotypes Enoch Sapey Legume Research 0250-5371 44.0(5.0) 515.0 521.0 100 黄淮海夏玉米机械化粒收质量及其主要影响因素 王克如 农业工程学报 1002-6819 37.0(7.0) 1.0 7.0 101 基于X-ray μCT技术的玉米籽粒结构特征的粒位效应分析 银学波 农业工程学报 1002-6819 37.0(7.0) 8.0 14.0 102 普通菜豆镰孢菌枯萎病研究进展 李园 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(3.0) 603.0 608.0 103 Natural variations in the non-coding region of ZmNAC080308 contributes maintaining grain yield under drought stress in maize Nan Wang;;Ming Cheng BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 21.0(1.0) 1 13 104 Transcriptome Analysis of Resistance to Fusarium Wilt in Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) Yujie Chang Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 1 12 105 Long time series of daily evapotranspiration in China based on the SEBAL model and multisource images and validation Minghan Cheng Earth System Science Data 1866-3508 13 3995 4017 106 Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Profiling Analysis of WOX Family Protein-Encoded Genes in Triticeae Species 石磊 Int. J. Mol. Sci. 1422-0067 org22179325 1 27 107 谷子条纹叶突变体A36-S的细胞学特性分析及基因定位 张硕 中国农业科学 0578-1752 54.0(14.0) 2952.0 2964.0 108 中麦895高产稳产优质特性遗传解析 张勇 中国农业科学 0578-1752 54.0(15.0) 3158.0 3167.0 109 高粱淀粉粳糯特性的快速鉴定方法与应用 李桂英;;王智 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(4.0) 1042.0 1047.0 110 水稻穗顶部退化突变体tutou3的基因精细定位 邢欣欣 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(4.0) 1081.0 1089.0 111 中国西部六省(区)荞麦属稀有种质资源收集与分类鉴定 任奎 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(4.0) 963.0 970.0 112 基于高光谱遥感和集成学习方法的冬小麦产量估测研究 费帅鹏 中国农业科学 0578-1752 54.0(16.0) 3417.0 3427.0 113 Genomic selection to introgress exotic maize germplasm into elite maize in China to improve kernel dehydration rate Hongjun Yong;;Nan Wang Euphytica 0014-2336 217.0(8.0) 1 14 114 Arabidopsis g-protein β subunit agb1 negatively regulates dna binding of myb62, a suppressor in the gibberellin pathway 齐欣;;唐文思 International Journal of Molecular Sciences 1661-6596 22.0(15.0) 1 18 115 Quantifying maize grain yield losses caused by climate change based on extensive field data across China Peng Hou Resources, Conservation and Recycling 0921-3449 174.0 1 7 116 Genome-Wide Association Study of Vascular Bundle-Related Traits in Maize Stalk Peng Hou Frontiers in Physiology 1664-042X 12.0 1 14 117 Does nitrogen application rate affect the moisture content of corn grains? Yuan meng ZHANG;;Jun XUE Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20.0(10.0) 2627.0 2638.0 118 TaWAK2A‐800, a Wall‐Associated Kinase, Participates Positively in Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight and Sharp Eyespot in Wheat Feilong Guo; Tianci Wu; Gangbiao Xu INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1661-6596 22 11493-1 11493-15 119 Solar radiation effects on dry matter accumulations and transfer in maize 杨云山 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 1 13 120 Molecular Dissection of the Gene OsGA2ox8 Conferring Osmotic Stress Tolerance in Rice Yinxiao Wang;;Fengping Du INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 22(17) 9107 9107 121 Comparative Proteomics at the Critical Node of Vigor Loss in Wheat Seeds Differing in Storability Xiuling Chen Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 1 16 122 The power and versatility of genome editing tools in crop improvement Lanqin Xia Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1672-9072 63.0(9.0) 1591.0 1594.0 123 Increasing yield potential through manipulating of an ARE1 ortholog related to nitrogen use efficiency in wheat by CRISPR/Cas9 Jiahui Zhang Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1672-9072 63.0(9.0) 1649.0 1663.0 124 Warming climate challenges breeding Huihui Li Nature Plants 2055-0278 7.0(9.0) 1164.0 1165.0 125 Ubiquitin Proteins and the Orchestration of Transcription Factors Activity Yuqi He Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 0735-2689 40.0(4.0) 366.0 377.0 126 Three Sclerotinia species as the cause of white mold on pea in Chongqing and Sichuan of China Dong DENG Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20.0(11.0) 2957.0 2965.0 127 Dissecting the genetic basis of maize deep-sowing tolerance by combining association mapping and gene expression analysis YANG Yue; MA Yu-ting; LIU Yang-yang Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 无 无 无 128 细胞核质转运及其受体在植物抗病防御反应中的调控作用 石添添 植物学报 1674-3466 56.0(4.0) 480.0 487.0 129 大豆种子颜色遗传调控机制研究进展 邱红梅 作物学报 0496-3490 47(12) 2299 2313 130 小麦bZIP家族转录因子的鉴定及其在盐胁迫条件下的表达分析 毕晨曦 分子植物育种 1672-416X 19.0(15.0) 4887.0 4895.0 131 玉米典型生态区机械收获现状及影响农户采用的因子分析 郭银巧 中国生态农业学报(中英文) 1671-3990 29.0(11.0) 1964.0 1972.0 132 Transcriptome Reveals Allele Contribution to Heterosis in Maize Jianzhong Wu Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 1 13 133 High density and uniform plant distribution improve soybean yield by regulating population uniformity and canopy light interception Cailong Xu;;Ruidong Li Agronomy 2073-4395 11.0(9.0) 1 18 134 TaNAC100 acts as an integrator of seed protein and starch synthesis exerting pleiotropic effects on agronomic traits in wheat 李吉虎 Plant Journal 0960-7412 108.0(3.0) 829.0 840.0 135 The Wheat Wall-Associated Receptor-Like Kinase TaWAK-6D Mediates Broad Resistance to Two Fungal Pathogens Fusarium pseudograminearum and Rhizoctonia cerealis Haijun Qi;;Feilong Guo Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 758196-1 758196-15 136 Large DNA fragment deletion in lncRNA77580 regulates neighboring gene expression in soybean (Glycine max) Fengjuan Niu Functional Plant Biology 1445-4408 48.0(11.0) 1139.0 1147.0 137 Identification of a novel salt tolerance-related locus in wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. Zucc.) Xiaoyang Guo Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 791175 791175 138 The aquaporin gene PvXIP1;2 conferring drought resistance identified by GWAS at seedling stage in common bean 吴磊 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 0040-5752 0 1 16 139 Rht24b, an ancient variation of TaGA2ox-A9, reduces plant height without yield penalty in wheat 田秀苓 NEW PHYTOLOGIST 0028-646X 0 0 0 140 Genome-Wide Association Study on Resistance to Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Disease Caused by Rice black-streaked dwarf virus 刘晴;;Guofang Lan;;朱亚军 PLANT DISEASE 0191-2917 105 607 615 141 Mapping of stripe rust resistance gene Yr041133 by BSR-Seq analysis Li Yahui THE CROP JOURNAL 2095-5421 9 1 8 142 Sucrose promotes D53 accumulation and tillering in rice Suyash B. Patil NEW PHYTOLOGIST 0028-646X 00 00 00 143 水稻穗长基因PAL3的克隆及自然变异分析 尚江源 植物学报 1674-3466 56(5) 520 532 144 水稻胚胎和胚乳双缺陷突变体 eed1 的表型与遗传分析 杨谨 作物学报 0496-3490 暂无 网络首发,还未排版 网络首发,还未排版 145 Subunit E isoform 1 of vacuolar H+-ATPase OsVHA enables post-Golgi trafficking of rice seed storage proteins Jianping Zhu;Yulong Ren PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 0032-0889 187 2192 2208 146 Transcription factors PILs directly interact with SPLs and repress tillering/branching in plants 张立超;; 何冠华;; 李亚萍 NEW PHYTOLOGIST 0028-646X 10.1111/nph.17872 1 12 147 Dissecting four correlated growth period traits using a genome-wide association study approach in soybean Yanfei Li;;Ying-hui Li;;Li-juan Qiu GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION 0925-9864 Published online: 15 November 2021 1 16 148 Integrating Straw Management and Seeding to Improve Seed Yield and Reduce Environmental Impacts in Soybean Production 徐彩龙 Agronomy-Basel 2073-4395 11 1 17 149 Transcription factor BZR2 activates chitinase Cht20.2 transcription to confer resistance to wheat stripe rust 柏星轩 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 0032-0889 187(4) 2749 2762 150 Genome-Wide Analysis of DEAD-box RNA Helicase Family in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Functional Identification of TaDEAD-box57 in Abiotic Stress Responses 茹京娜;;侯泽豪 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 1 22 151 Transcriptome analysis reveals differing response and tolerance mechanism of EPSPS and GAT genes among transgenic soybeans Bing‑Fu Guo;;Hui‑Long Hong MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS 0301-4851 48 7351 7360 152 Shattering-resistance of an elite soybean variety ‘Heihe 43’ and identification of shattering-resistant genes Dezhi Han;;Jianan Han;;Siqi Jiang EUPHYTICA 0014-2336 217 120(1) 120(12) 153 Identification of genes for drought resistance and prediction of gene candidates in soybean seedlings based on linkage and association mapping Yanjun Zhang;;Zhangxiong Liu;;Xingrong Wang THE CROP JOURNAL 2095-5421 Available online 31 October 2021 1 10 154 Identification of petiole length for soybean compact architecture mutant M657 and breeding of new lines GAO Hua-wei Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 Advanced Online Publication: 2021 1 17 155 Establishment of an efficient seed-fluorescence reporter-assisted CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing in maize 闫元元 ournal of Integrative Plant Biology 1672-9072 JIPB-2021-0073.R1 1 32 156 普通菜豆基因组研究进展 武晶 四川农业大学学报 1000-2650 39(1) 4 10 157 Genetic dissection of drought resistance based on root traits at the bud stage in common bean 吴磊 Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 1 1 15 158 Responses of Branch Number and Yield Component of Soybean Cultivars Tested in Different Planting Densities 徐彩龙 Agriculture 2077-0472 11 1 12 159 Comparative proteomic analysis reveals that the Heterosis of two maize hybrids is related to enhancement of stress response and photosynthesis respectively 王道平 BMC PLANT BIOLOGY 1471-2229 21, 34 1 15 160 Transcriptome Analysis Reveals a Potential Role of Benzoxazinoid in Regulating Stem Elongation in the Wheat Mutant qd Daxing Xu, Yongdun Xie Frontiers in Genetics ****-**** 12 1 16 161 Genetic Mapping by Integration of 55K SNP Array and KASP Markers Reveals Candidate Genes for Important Agronomic Traits in Hexaploid Wheat Hongchun Xiong , Yuting Li Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 1 16 162 A climate-resilient R gene in rice traps two pathogen effectors for broad and durable resistance to bacterial blight 赵开军 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 14 366 368 163 Effect of germination treatment on the structural and physicochemical properties of quinoa starch Bao Xing, Cong Teng FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS 0268-005X 115 106604 106604 164 Genomic dissection of widely planted soybean cultivars leads to a new breeding strategy of crops in the post-genomic era Xin Pengqi;Bingjun Jiang;Tingting Wu; Shi Sun The Crop Journal 2095-5421 -- 1 9 165 Closing crop yield and efficiency gaps for food security and sustainable agriculture 周文彬,段凤莹 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20 343 348 166 Spatial variation of technical efficiency of cereal production in China at the farm level 周文彬,王环豫 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20 470 481 167 Yield gap and resource utilization efficiency of three major food crops in the world - A review RONG Liang-bing Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20 349 362 168 Maize-based intercropping systems achieve higher productivity and profitability with lesser environmental footprint in a water-scarce region of northwest China 孙涛;赵才 Food and Energy Security 2048-3694 10 1 14 169 Estimation of soil organic carbon and its influencing factors in cropland of Yunnan Province, China sun tao Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20 2 14 170 长期有机无机肥配施降低黄淮海区域小麦‒大豆复种系统净温室效应 张鑫 植物营养与肥料学报 1008-505X 26 596 602 171 植物果糖激酶研究进展 叶香媛 科学通报 0023-074X 暂无 暂无 暂无 172 Characterization of volatile compounds in differently coloured Chenopodium quinoa seeds before and after cooking by headspace-gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry 杨修仕 FOOD CHEMISTRY 0308-8146 348 129086 无 173 Genetic and molecular control of grain yield in maize 张红伟 Molecular Breeding 1380-3743 41 18 18 174 Mutation Types of CYP71P1 Cause Different Phenotypes of Mosaic Spot Lesion and Premature Leaf Senescence in Rice. 郑宇涵;徐江民 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 1 13 175 Maize grain moisture content correction: From nonstandard to standard system Shang GAO;; Bo MING BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 1537-5110 204 212 222 176 中国农业生物多样性保护进展概述 郑晓明 生物多样性 1005-0094 2021, 29(2) 167 176 177 Genotypic and Phenotypic Characterization of Two Triticum aestivum L.—Dasypyrum villosum Translocations Lines in the Same Wheat Genetic Background 王佰翠 agronomy 2073-4395 Agronomy 2021, 11, 399. 1/399 19/399 178 Optimizing Grain Yield and Water Use Efficiency Based on the Relationship between Leaf Area Index and Evapotranspiration 张国强 agriculture 2077-0472 11 313 327 179 水肥一体化施磷对滴灌高产春玉米产量及肥料利用率的影响 沈东萍 玉米科学 1005-0906 接收 接收 接收 180 地膜覆盖对黄土高原地区两种种植密度下玉米叶片代谢组的影响 牛丽 作物学报 0496-3490 暂无 暂无 暂无 181 A new empirical equation to describe the vertical leaf distribution profile of maize 范盼盼 The Journal of Agricultural Science 1469-5146 无 无 无 182 藜麦开发利用研究进展 郭慧敏 粮食与油脂 1008-9578 34(3) 9 11 183 Alleles of a wall-associated kinase gene account for three of the major northern corn leaf blight resistance loci in maize Ping Yang the plant journal 0960-7412 106 526 535 184 利用近缘种属优良基因改良小麦研究进展 贾子苗 作物杂志 1001-7283 2021(2):1-14 1 14 185 中国食用豆产业和种业发展现状与未来展望 陈红霖 中国农业科学 0578-1752 54(3): 493 503 186 A functional chromogen gene C from wild rice is involved in a diferent anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway in indica and japonica 乔卫华;王艳艳;许睿;杨子怡 Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 (2021) 134 1531 1543 187 Genome‐wide association analysis of drought resistance based on seed germination vigour and germination rate at the bud stage in common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Wu Lei;; Chang Yujie Agronomy Journal 0002-1962 1 1 1 188 Identification Of Qtl For Resistance To Leaf Blast In Foxtail Millet By Genome Re-Sequencing Analysis 田伯红 Theoretical And Applied Genetics 0040-5752 134(2) 743 754 189 Effects Of Reduced Nitrogen Fertilization And Irrigation On Structure And Physicochemical Properties Of Starch In Two Bread Wheat Cultivars Jingyang Tong Agriculture-Basel 2077-0472 11(1) 11 26 190 New Insights On The Function Of Plant Acyl Carrier Proteins From Comparative And Evolutionary Analysis Xuezhen Yang;;Xiaoxue Liu;;Yanchen Zhou Genomics 0888-7543 113(1) 1155 1165 191 The transcription factor TaLAX1 interacts with Q to antagonistically regulate grain threshability and spike morphogenesis in bread wheat 何冠华 NEW PHYTOLOGIST 0028-646X 230 988 1002 192 Establishing in planta haploid inducer line by edited SiMTL in foxtail millet ( Setaria italica ) Yao Sun;;Zixiang Cheng Plant Biotechnol. J. 1467-7644 Jun;19(6) 1089 1091 193 white panicle 2 encoding thioredoxin z , regulates plastid RNA editing by interacting with multiple organellar RNA editing factors in rice Yunlong Wang,Yihua Wang,Yulong Ren New Phytol. 0028-646X 229(5) 2693 2706 194 Wheat straw mulch improves summer maize productivity and soil properties Mehmood Ali Noor Ital. J. Agron. 1125-4718 16(1) 1 8 195 Genome-wide alternative splicing variation and its potential contribution to maize immature-ear heterosis 胡小娇 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 9(2) 476 486 196 SiMADS34, an E-class MADS-box transcription factor, regulates inflorescence architecture and grain yield in Setaria italica Shareif Hammad Hussin,Hailong Wang,Sha Tang Plant. Mol. Biol. 0167-4412 105(2021/4/5) 419 434 197 Genome-Wide Analysis of the Catharanthus roseus RLK1-Like in Soybean and GmCrRLK1L20 Responds to Drought and Salt Stresses Zhi-Qi Wang;;Tai-Fei Yu Front. Plant Sci. 1664-462X 12 1 17 198 Decreased grain size1, a C3HC4-type RING protein, influences grain size in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Xingjie Zhu Plant. Mol. Biol. 0167-4412 105(2021/4/5) 405 417 199 Straw return increases crop grain yields and K-use efficiency under a maize-rice cropping system Yuling Han THE CROP JOURNAL 2095-5421 9(1) 168 180 200 Mitochondrion-targeted PENTATRICOPEPTIDE REPEAT5 is required for cis-splicing of nad4 intron 3 and endosperm development in rice Long Zhang;;Yanzhou Qi Crop J. 2214-5141 9(2) 282 296 201 Genome-Wide Analysis of the C2 Domain Family in Soybean and Identification of a Putative Abiotic Stress Response Gene GmC2-148 Yue Sun;;Juan-Ying Zhao;;Yi-Tong Li Front. Plant Sci. 1664-462X 12 1 19 202 Overexpression of ZmWRKY65 transcription factor from maize confers stress resistances in transgenic Arabidopsis 于太飞 Sci. Rep. 2045-2322 11(1) 1 15 203 Dps1 Regulates Cuticle Development And Leaf Senescence In Rice-adeel Syed Adeel Zafar;;Muhammad Uzair Food And Energy Security 2048-3694 10(1) 0000 0000 204 The URL1-ROC5-TPL2 transcriptional repressor complex represses the ACL1 gene to modulate leaf rolling in rice Fang Jingjing;;Guo Tingting Plant Physiology 0032-0889 185(4) 1722 1744 205 Dry matter accumulation after silking and kernel weight are the key factors for increasing maize yield and water use efficiency Wang Feng Agricultural Water Management 0378-3774 254 106938 106938 206 小麦芒基因定位及其与农艺性状的相关性分析 李玲 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(1.0) 102.0 114.0 207 Narrow Leaf21, encoding ribosomal protein RPS3A, controls leaf development in rice Haixin Long;;Muhammad Uzair Plant Physiology 0032-0889 186.0(1.0) 497.0 518.0 208 Genetic gains in maize yield and related traits for high-yielding cultivars released during 1980s to 2010s in China 刘广周 Field Crops Research 0378-4290 270 108223 108223 209 栽培稻种质资源的南方水稻黑条矮缩病抗性鉴定评价 农保选;;秦碧霞 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(4.0) 939.0 950.0 210 Identification of QTLs for cold tolerance at the booting and flowering stages in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Lina Zhang;;Jianghong Tang;;Di Cui EUPHYTICA 0014-2336 217 1 11 211 The landscape of gene–CDS–haplotype diversity in rice: properties, population organization, footprints of domestication and breeding, and implications for genetic improvement Fan Zhang;;Chunchao Wang;;Min Li;;Yanru Cui Mol. Plant 1674-2052 14 787 804 212 Allocation of maize varieties according to temperature for use in mechanical kernel harvesting in Ningxia, China Hongyan Li Int. J. Agric. Biol. Eng. 1934-6344 14(1) 20 28 213 Comparative analysis of the transcriptomes of two rice subspecies during domestication 逄洪波 Scientific Reports 2045-2322 11(1) 1 11 214 Review of combine harvester losses for maize and influencing factors Keru Wang Int. J. Agric. Biol. Eng. 1934-6344 14(1) 1 10 215 Determinant Factors and Regulatory Systems for Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Rice Apiculi and Stigmas Meng Lingzhi;;Qi Changyan Rice 1939-8425 14(1) 1 18 216 QTL mapping of seedling biomass and root traits under different nitrogen conditions in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) YANG Meng-jiao Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20(5) 1180 1192 217 Genetic dissection of heterosis of indica–japonica by introgression line, recombinant inbred line and their testcross populations Yang Wenqing;;Zhang Fan;;Zafar Sundus Scientific Reports 2045-2322 11(1) 10265 10265 218 Modification of starch composition, structure and properties through editing of TaSBEIIa in both winter and spring wheat varieties by CRISPR/Cas9 Li Jingying;;Jiao Guiai;;Sun Yongwei;;Chen Jun PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 19(5) 937 951 219 Spatial variation of maize height morphological traits for the same cultivars at a large agroecological scale Wanmao Liu European Journal of Agronomy 1161-0301 130 126349 126349 220 Progress of agricultural biodiversity conservation in China Xiaoming Zheng Biodivers. Sci. 1005-0094 29(2) 167 176 221 Rice FLOURY SHRUNKEN ENDOSPERM 5 Encodes a Putative Plant Organelle RNA Recognition Protein that Is Required for cis-Splicing of Mitochondrial nad4 Intron 1 Liang Wang,Wenwei Zhang Rice 1939-8425 14(1) 1 13 222 QTL mapping of root traits in wheat under different phosphorus levels using hydroponic culture Mengjiao Yang BMC Genomics 1471-2164 22(1) 1 23 223 MIR156-Targeted SPL9 Is Phosphorylated by SnRK2s and Interacts With ABI5 to Enhance ABA Responses in Arabidopsis 董慧雪;;闫素丽 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 1 14 224 Nuclear transport factor GmNTF2B-1 enhances soybean drought tolerance by interacting with oxidoreductase GmOXR17 to reduce reactive oxygen species content 陈凯;;苏晨;;唐文思 Plant Journal 0960-7412 107.0(3.0) 740.0 759.0 225 Improving harvest efficiency of maize varieties via accumulated temperature in a certain planting area Zhaofu Huang;;Liangyu Hou International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1934-6344 14.0(4.0) 175.0 181.0 226 一份绿米水稻种质资源的发现及初步研究 杨庆文 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 无 1 9 227 利用Fhb1基因分子标记辅助回交育种法改良黄淮冬小麦赤霉病抗性 代旭冉 麦类作物学报 1009-1041 (9.0) 1081 1088 228 适宜机械粒收玉米品种的熟期评价指标 李璐璐 作物学报 0496-3490 47.0(11.0) 2199.0 2207.0 229 Speed-Breeding System in Soybean: Integrating Off-Site Generation Advancement, Fresh Seeding, and Marker-Assisted Selection Yudong Fang;;Liwei Wang;;Enoch Sapey Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 0 0 230 Fine-Tuning Florigen Increases Field Yield Through Improving Photosynthesis in Soybean Kun Xu;;Xiao Mei Zhang Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 1 1 231 Reciprocal adaptation of rice and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae: Cross-species 2D GWAS reveals the underlying genetics Fan Zhang;;Zhiqiang Hu;;Zhichao Wu Plant Cell 1040-4651 33.0(8.0) 2538.0 2561.0 232 Can cropland management practices lower net greenhouse emissions without compromising yield? Ziyin Shang Global Change Biology 1354-1013 27.0(19.0) 4657.0 4670.0 233 不同种植区玉米生理成熟后田间站秆脱水的积温需求 黄兆福;李璐璐 中国农业科学 0578-1752 54 123 156 234 Genetic architecture underlying light and temperature mediated flowering in Arabidopsis , rice, and temperate cereals Shuanghe Cao New Phytol. 0028-646X 231(2) 834 848 235 大豆BADH基因的生物信息学、多样性及功能分析 张永芳 大豆科学 1000-9841 40(01) 11 20 236 中国谷子产业和种业发展现状与未来展望 李顺国 中国农业科学 0578-1752 54(03) 459 470 237 中国高粱产业和种业发展现状与未来展望 李顺国 中国农业科学 0578-1752 54(03) 471 482 238 不同杀菌剂对小麦真菌毒素污染防控及农药残留风险评估分析 吴丽;孙娟 麦类作物学报 1009-1041 (3) 355 361 239 黄淮麦区部分小麦品种粒重基因TaGS5-A1的等位变异分布及其效应分析 李静雯 麦类作物学报 1009-1041 (3) 272 288 240 基于近红外光谱的大豆茎秆化学组分含量检测模型构建与应用 李佳佳;;洪慧龙;;万明月;;储丽 中国农业科学 0578-1752 54(5) 887 900 241 Improving photosynthesis to increase grain yield potential: an analysis of maize hybrids released in different years in China 闫艳艳 PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH 0166-8595 暂无 暂无 暂无 242 Genome‐Wide Characterization of WRKY Transcription Factors Revealed Gene Duplication and Diversification in Populations of Wild to Domesticated Barley Jinhong Kan;; Guangqi Gao;; Qiang He;; Qian Gao INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1661-6596 22 1 17 243 不同地理来源饭豆种质生态适应性及表型分析 张金涛 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22(3) 674 683 244 Seed tocopherol assessment and geographical distribution of 1151 Chinese soybean accessions from diverse ecoregions Ghosh Suprio;;Zhang Shengrui;;Azam Muhammad Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 0889-1575 100 1 10 245 BRITTLE PLANT1 is required for normal cell wall composition and mechanical strength in rice Zhang Y Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1672-9072 63(5) 865 877 246 Effects of basic application of chlorocholine chloride combined with nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen use of summer maize in North China Plain [矮壮素配合氮肥全基施对华北夏玉米氮素利用的调控效应] Ma Zheng-Bo Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 1001-9332 32(3) 931 941 247 Genome-wide analyses reveal footprints of divergent selection and popping-related traits in CIMMYTs maize inbred lines Li Jing;;Li Delin JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 0022-0957 72(4) 1307 1320 248 QTL Mapping and Favorable Allele Mining of Nitrogen Deficiency Tolerance Using an Interconnected Breeding Population in Rice Shen Congcong;;Chen Kai Frontiers in Genetics 无 12 1 14 249 Genomic-Wide Analysis of the PLC Family and Detection of GmPI-PLC7 Responses to Drought and Salt Stresses in Soybean Chen Zhi-Feng;;Ru Jing-Na;;Sun Guo-Zhong Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 1 18 250 The wall-associated receptor-like kinase tawak7d is required for defense responses to rhizoctonia cerealis in wheat Qi Haijun International Journal of Molecular Sciences 1661-6596 22(11) 5629-1 5629-15 251 Establishment and application of an accurate identification method for fragrant soybeans ZHANG Yong-fang Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20(5) 1193 1203 252 Maize MS2 encodes an ATP-binding cassette transporter that is essential for anther development Qilong Xu, Li Yang, Dan Kang Crop Journal 2095-5421 0 0 0 253 大豆蛋白含量新位点qPRO-19-1的定位 武阳春 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22(1) 139 148 254 小麦抗穗发芽基因挖掘及分子育种进展 黄义文 麦类作物学报 1009-1041 (2.0) 147 156 255 谷子抽穗时间基因SiTOC1的表达与单倍型变异分析 林 中国农业科学 0578-1752 54.0(11.0) 2273.0 2291.0 256 Optimizing row spacing increased radiation use efficiency and yield of maize Rongfa Li Agronomy Journal 1435-0645 无 无 无 257 Development and Exploitation of KASP Assays for Genes Underpinning Drought Tolerance Among Wheat Cultivars From Pakistan Shoaib Ur Rehman Frontiers in Genetics 1664-8021 12.0 1 8 (684702) 258 Change of soluble acid invertase gene (SAI-1) haplotype in hybrid sorghum breeding program in China Hai Li Zhong Molecular Breeding 1380-3743 41.0(6) 37:1 37:14 259 Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci for fusarium head blight resistance in a doubled haploid population of Chinese bread wheat Zhanwang Zhu Plant Disease 0191-2917 105.0(5.0) 260 Transcriptomal dissection of soybean circadian rhythmicity in two geographically, phenotypically and genetically distinct cultivars Yanlei Yue BMC Genomics 1471-2164 22.0(1.0) 1 13 261 Genome-Wide Analysis of MADS-Box Genes in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L.) and Functional Assessment of the Role of SiMADS51 in the Drought Stress Response 赵婉 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 1 21 262 黄淮海麦玉两熟区周年光温资源优化配置研究进展 周宝元 作物学报 0496-3490 47.0(10.0) 1843.0 1853.0 263 Cotyledons facilitate the adaptation of early-maturing soybean varieties to high-latitude long-day environments Xin Xu Plant Cell and Environment 0140-7791 44.0(8.0) 2551.0 2564.0 264 FtBPM3 modulates the orchestration of FtMYB11-mediated flavonoids biosynthesis in Tartary buckwheat Mengqi Ding;;Kaixuan Zhang;;Yuqi He Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 19.0(7.0) 1285.0 1287.0 265 Recognizing the hidden half in wheat: Root system attributes associated with drought tolerance Chaonan Li;;Long Li Journal of Experimental Botany 0022-0957 72.0(14.0) 5117.0 5133.0 266 Identification and allele mining of new candidate genes underlying rice grain weight and grain shape by genome-wide association study Yanan Niu;;Tianxiao Chen BMC Genomics 1471-2164 22.0(1.0) 602 602 267 小麦多酚氧化酶基因Ppo-A1和Ppo-D1位点等位变异与穗发芽抗性的关系 黄义文 作物学报 0496-3490 47.0(11.0) 2080.0 2090.0 268 中国春玉米高产纪录的创造与思考 程雅婷;;李荣发 玉米科学 1005-0906 29(2) 56 59 269 覆膜滴灌条件下灌溉量和种植密度对玉米茎秆抗倒能力的影响 王群 玉米科学 1005-0906 29(2) 124 130 270 Comparative transcriptome analysis of different nitrogen responses in low-nitrogen sensitive and tolerant maize genotypes Qing guo DU;;Juan YANG Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20.0(8.0) 2043.0 2055.0 271 Multiplex Genome-Editing Technologies for Revolutionizing Plant Biology and Crop Improvement Abdelrahman M Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12:721203 1 15 272 High-Quality Genomes and High-Density Genetic Map Facilitate the Identification of Genes From a Weedy Rice 李飞 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 1 16 273 Conservation and Utilization of Genetic Resources of Wild Rice in China 杨子怡 RICE SCIENCE 1672-6308 29(2) 1 9 274 作物种质资源库的设计与建设要求 卢新雄 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(4.0) 873.0 880.0 275 Exploration on bioactive properties of quinoa protein hydrolysate and peptides: a review Guo, Huimin Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 1040-8398 online 1 15 276 Effects of Maillard reaction on the properties and anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative activity in vitro of quinoa protein isolates 滕聪 INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS 0926-6690 174(114165) 1 9 277 Construction of consensus genetic map with applications in gene mapping of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using 90K SNP array 屈平平 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 无 无 278 Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in TaSBEIII and Development of KASP Marker Associated With Grain Weight in Wheat Ahsan Irshad Frontiers in Genetics 1664-8021 12.0 1 10 279 Soluble starch synthase enzymes in cereals: An updated review Ahsan Irshad;;Huijun Guo Agronomy 2073-4395 11.0(10.0) 1 16 280 Fine Mapping of qd1, a Dominant Gene that Regulates Stem Elongation in Bread Wheat Yongdun Xie Frontiers in Genetics 1664-8021 无 无 无 281 植物早衰研究进展 仇琳 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 无 无 无 282 The blue light receptor CRY1 interacts with GID1 and DELLA proteins to repress gibberellin signaling and plant growth 闫百蔷;;杨宗举 Plant Communications 2590-3462 2(6) 1 14 283 Development of high-resolution multiple-SNP arrays for genetic analyses and molecular breeding through genotyping by target sequencing and liquid chip 郭子锋;;杨泉女 Plant Communications 2590-3462 2.0(6.0) 1 15 284 油菜素内酯调控作物农艺性状和非生物胁迫响应的研究进展 王黎明;;杨瑞珍 生物工程学报 1000-3061 38(2) 1 16 285 Genome‑wide association studies of leaf angle in maize 彭波 MOLECULAR BREEDING 1380-3743 2021 41 50 286 水稻耐寒基因CTB4a的核苷酸多样性及区域适应 性研究 宋佳 生物多样性 1005-0094 2021, 29 1 9 287 The Beneficial Effect of Coarse Cereals on Chronic Diseases through Regulating Gut Microbiota 任贵兴;范鑫 Foods 2304-8158 10(2891) 1 24 288 Ancient relaxation of an obligate short-day requirement in common bean through loss of CONSTANS-like gene function Ana M. 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Vander Schoor Current Biology 0960-9822 31 1 10 289 Genome Editing Strategies Towards Enhancement of Rice Disease Resistance Rukmini MISHRA Rice Science 1672-6308 28(2) 133 145 290 Soybean CHX-type ion transport protein GmSALT3 confers leaf Na+ exclusion via a root derived mechanism, and Cl− exclusion via a shoot derived process 屈玥;;关荣霞 Plant Cell Environ 0140-7791 44 856 869 291 ENLARGED STARCH GRAIN1 affects amyloplast development and starch biosynthesis in rice endosperm 王荣琪;;任玉龙 PLANT SCIENCE 0168-9452 305 1 12 292 基于小麦SNP芯片对簇毛麦6V#2和6V#4染色体及其与小麦6A、6D染色体的多态性分析 许志英 中国农业科学 0578-1752 54(8) 1579 1589 293 Tasnrk2.4 Is A Vital Regulator In Control Of Thousand-Kernel Weight And Response To Abiotic Stress In Wheat 苗丽丽 Journal Of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20(1) 46 54 294 小麦TaSAP2-6A基因标记与多种环境下的农艺性状相关 王亦学 农业生物技术学报 1674-7968 29(3) 453 460 295 Pre-harvest sprouting in cereals: Genetic and biochemical mechanisms 台莉 Journal of Experimental Botany 0022-0957 72(8) 2857 2876 296 结合植被指数与纹理特征的玉米冠层 FAPAR 遥感估算研究 王思宇 作物杂志 1001-7283 2021(2) 183 190 297 Potential mechanisms of maize yield reduction under short-term no-tillage combined with residue coverage in the semi-humid region of Northeast China 李瑞平 Soil and Tillage Research 0167-1987 217 105289 105289 298 Dissipation, Residue, and Dietary Risk Assessment of Bifenthrin, Bifenazate, and Its Metabolite Bifenazate–Diazene in Apples Based on Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods Peiying Zhao;;Yida Chai Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 0021-8561 69 14302 14310 299 The wheat AGL6-like MADS-box gene is a master regulator for floral organ identity and a target for spikelet meristem development manipulation Kong X;;Wang F PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 online 1 35 300 POLLEN STERILITY, a novel suppressor of cell division, is required for timely tapetal programmed cell death in rice Ronghui Che Science China-Life Sciences 1674-7305 2011 1 13 301 JAZ8 Interacts With VirE3 Attenuating Agrobacterium Mediated Root Tumorigenesis Shijuan Li Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 2021,12 1 12 302 The chromosome-level genome assembly of Astragalus sinicus and comparative genomic analyses provide new resources and insights for understanding legume-rhizobial interactions Danna Chang Plant Communications 2590-3462 3 1 14 303 Post-Golgi Trafficking of Rice Storage Proteins Requires the Small GTPase Rab7 Activation Complex MON1-CCZ1 Tian Pan;Yihua Wang;Ruonan Jing PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 0032-0889 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 2021: 187 2174 2191 304 Plastidic pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E1 component subunit Alpha1 is involved in galactolipid biosynthesis required for amyloplast development in rice Lei J, Teng X PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 Plant Biotechnology Journal (2021), pp. 1–17 1 17 305 谷子近缘野生种的亲缘关系及其利用研究 赵美丞 作物学报 0496-3490 22 14 19 306 Identification of blast-resistance loci through genome-wide association analysis in foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.) Zhi-jiang LI Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 20(8) 2056 2064 307 后基因组时代基于选择导入系的水稻设计育种策略 石英尧 中国农业科技导报 1008-0864 23.0(11.0) 25.0 35.0 308 GmNMHC5 may promote nodulation via interaction with GmGAI in soybean 王文婷 THE CROP JOURNAL 2095-5421 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2021.03.019 1 7 309 增密对不同分枝类型大豆品种同化物积累和产量的影响 李瑞东 作物学报 0496-3490 XX(XX) 1 11 310 Historical trends in maize morphology from the 1950s to the 2010s in China 马达灵 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 无 1 13 311 小麦矮秆突变体 je0098 的遗传分析与其矮秆基因定位 付美玉 作物学报 0496-3490 无 1 14 312 小麦顶端小穗退化突变体asd1基因定位 杜启迪 作物学报 2095-5421 无 1 17 313 Identification of traits and genes associated with lodging resistance in maize Yu Guo;Yumei Hu;Huan Chen, The Crop Journal 2095-5421 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2021.01.002 1 20 314 GmNAC06, a NAC domain transcription factor enhances salt stress tolerance in soybean 李明 Plant. Mol. Biol. 0167-4412 105(3) 333 345 315 Effect of altered leaf angle on maize stalk lodging resistance Jun Xue;;Jun Xue CROP SCIENCE 0011-183X 61(1) 689 703 316 Detection and Analysis of Degree of Maize Lodging Using UAV‐RGB Image Multi‐Feature Factors and Various Classification Methods Zixu Wang ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2220-9964 10(309) 1 31 317 Water quality related to Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and cropland areas: Evidence from multi-temporal remote sensing Dameng Yin International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation 0303-2434 96 (2021) 102272 1 9 318 A comprehensive yield evaluation indicator based on an improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and hyperspectral data Xiaobin Xu Field Crops Research 0378-4290 270 (2021) 108204 1 16 319 Addition of Aegilops geniculata 1Ug chromosome improves the dough rheological properties by changing the composition and micro-structure of gluten Tong Jingyang Food Chemistry 0308-8146 358 0 0 320 Satellite time series data reveal interannual and seasonal spatiotemporal evapotranspiration patterns in China in response to effect factors Minghan Cheng Agricultural Water Management 0378-3774 255 1 16 321 根瘤菌侵染早期大豆根系的转录组分析 祁平 大豆科学 100Q-9841 40.0(3.0) 289.0 298.0 322 四川豌豆种质资源白粉病抗性及分子鉴定 项超 作物杂志 1001-7283 (3.0) 51.0 56.0 323 Genome-Wide Association Study Uncover the Genetic Architecture of Salt Tolerance-Related Traits in Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Xiaoyan Quan;Jindong Liu Frontiers in Genetics 1664-8021 12.0 663941 0 324 基于深度学习方法和RGB影像的玉米雄穗分割 余汛 浙江大学学报. 农业与生命科学版 1008-9209 无 1 13 325 Quantifying efect of tassels on near‑ground maize canopy RGB images using deep learning segmentation algorithm Mingchao Shao PRECISION AGRICULTURE 1385-2256 无 1 19 326 CIMMYT新引进合成小麦株高性状全基因组关联分析 张红杰;;邓中印 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(4.0) 1054.0 1067.0 327 Defective mitochondrial function by mutation in THICK ALEURONE 1 encoding a mitochondrion-targeted single-stranded DNA-binding protein leads to increased aleurone cell layers and improved nutrition in rice Dong Qi Li Molecular Plant 1674-2052 14.0(8.0) 1343.0 1361.0 328 Development of Attenuated Total Reflectance Mid-Infrared (ATR-MIR) and Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy for the Determination of Resistant Starch Content in Wheat Grains Rong Wang;; Xia Wei Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2090-8865 2021.0 1 9 329 Prolongation of the grain filling period and change in radiation simultaneously increased maize yields in China 刘志娟 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 0168-1923 308-309 1 5 330 OsNAC2 Is Involved in Multiple Hormonal Pathways to Mediate Germination of Rice Seeds and Establishment of Seedling Jiangtao Yu1;Chanjuan Mao Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 699303 699303 331 Genetic dissection of rice appearance quality and cooked rice elongation by genome-wide association study Xianjin Qiu;;Jing Yang;;Fan Zhang Crop J. 2214-5141 xxx xxx xxx 332 过表达FtbZIP5提高苦荞毛状根黄酮积累及其耐盐性 翁文凤 作物杂志 1001-7283 (4.0) 1.0 9.0 333 Identification of qtl underlying cadmium tolerance at seedling stage using two sets of reciprocal introgression lines in rice Liping He Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 0552-9034 58.0(3.0) 789.0 796.0 334 Plasma membrane N-gkycoproteome analysis of wheat seedling leaves under drought stress Yanan Chang INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 0141-8130 In precss 1 10 335 甘肃玉米镰孢茎腐病病原菌种群多样性分析 郭成 核农学报 1000-8551 35.0(11.0) 2521.0 2527.0 336 苦荞FtHSFA6b转录因子协同调控耐盐功能 左倩 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(5.0) 1418.0 1429.0 337 The distribution and sustainable utilization of buckwheat resources under climate change in China Wen Wen Plants 2223-7747 10.0(10.0) 0 0 338 Overexpression of a BRASSINAZOLE RESISTANT 1 homolog attenuates drought tolerance by suppressing the expression of PLETHORA-LIKE 1 in Setaria italica Zhiying Zhao Crop Journal 2095-5421 9.0(5.0) 1208.0 1213.0 339 Evaluating the genetic effects of seed dormancy regulatory genes Qsd1 and Qsd2 in a global collection of cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare) with functional kompetitive allele-specific PCR markers Luxi Yan Plant Breeding 0179-9541 140.0(5.0) 827.0 834.0 340 The boron transporter SiBOR1 functions in cell wall integrity, cellular homeostasis, and panicle development in foxtail millet Hailong Wang;;Sha Tang The Crop Journal 2095-5421 2 1 11 341 Transcriptome analysis of the immature inflorescences of foxtail millet treated with Sq-1 for inducing male sterility. CHUNFANG WANG BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF BOTANY 0253-5416 50(5) 887 894 342 Rice grain quality-where we are and where to go Jihua Cheng Advances in Agronomy 0065-2113 2021.10.003 1 42 343 Fine-tuning shoot meristem size to feed the world Shuping Li;Shujun Meng;Jianfeng Weng TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE 1360-1385 TRPLSC 2205 1 9 344 The regulation of BbLaeA on the production of beauvericin and bassiatin in Beauveria bassiana Miaomiao Yin World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 0959-3993 38(1) 1 10 345 Genetic Dissection of Hybrid Performance and Heterosis for Yield-Related Traits in Maize Dongdong Li; Zhiqiang Zhou;Xiaohuan Lu Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 1 19 346 藜麦种质资源遗传多样性SSR标记分析 孙梦涵 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 22.0(3.0) 625.0 637.0 347 A sheathed spike gene, tawus-like inhibits stem elongation in common wheat by regulating hormone levels Xuemei Si INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 22(20), 11210 1 12 348 Wheatgene: a genomics database for common wheat and its related species Garcia D The Crop Journal 2095-5421 9(6) 1486 1491 349 Evaluating model-based strategies for in-season nitrogen management of maize using weather data fusion Xinbing Wang Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 0168-1923 308-309 1 12 350 Relationship and Distribution of In-Field Dry-Down and Equilibrium in Maize Grain Moisture Content Shang Gao;;Bo Ming Agric. 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Meterol. 0168-1923 304-305 1 12 351 Intra‐specific competition affects the density tolerance and grain yield of maize hybrids Lichao Zhai AGRONOMY JOURNAL 0002-1962 113(1) 224 235 352 Kernel position effects of grain morphological characteristics by x-ray micro-computed tomography Yin Xuebo International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1934-6344 14(2) 159 166 353 Present and future prospects for wheat improvement through genome editing and advanced technologies Shaoya Li;;Chen Zhang;;Jingying Li Plant Communications 2590-3462 2.0(4.0) 00 00 354 Less N2O emission from newly high-yielding cultivars of winter wheat Huan Chen Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 0167-8809 320.0 1 9 355 基于高光谱指数的叶片尺度叶绿素荧光参数反演 努热曼古丽·托乎提 玉米科学 1005-0906 29(5) 73 80 356 Effects of solar radiation on root and shoot growth of maize and the quantitative relationship between them- 郭晓霞;;杨云山 CROP SCIENCE 0011-183X 61(2) 1414 1425 357 Evaluation of maize varieties for mechanical grain harvesting in mid‐latitude region, China 张振涛 AGRONOMY JOURNAL 0002-1962 2021 1 10 358 Genetic gain and G× E interaction in bread wheat cultivars representing 105 years of breeding in Pakistan Uzma Hanif CROP SCIENCE 0011-183X 00 00 00 359 Genetic Gain for Grain Micronutrients and Their Association with Phenology in Historical Wheat Cultivars Released between 1911 and 2016 in Pakistan Muzzafar Shaukat Agronomy-Basel 2073-4395 11:1247 00 00 360 Effect of Heat-Moisture Treatments on Digestibility and Physicochemical Property of Whole Quinoa Flour Jilin Dong Foods 2304-8158 10,3042 1 11 361 The impact of drought and heat stress at flowering on maize kernel filling: Insights from the field and laboratory 刘希伟 AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY 0168-1923 312 1 12 362 SbbHLH85, a bHLH member, modulates resilience to salt stress by regulating root hair growth in sorghum Song, Yushuang;Li, Simin;Sui, Yi Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 online 0 0 363 东北玉米耕作制度存在的主要问题与新型耕作制度展望 李瑞平;谭化 玉米科学 1005-0906 29 105 111 364 作物根系表型鉴定评价方法的现状与展望 李龙 中国农业科学 0578-1752 00 1 10 365 Exploitation of drought tolerance-related genes for crop improvement 王景一;李超男 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 22.0(19.0) 1 18 366 TaMOR is essential for root initiation and improvement of root system architecture in wheat. 李超男;王景一;李龙 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 00 1 15 367 Flowering time regulation model revisited by pooled sequencing of mass selection populations Yuxin Yang Plant Sci. 0168-9452 304 1 10 368 Genomic footprints of wheat evolution in China reflected by a Wheat660K SNP array. Zhiwei Wang;;Chenyang Hao Crop J. 2214-5141 9(1) 29 41 369 苗期调控对晚播小麦产量及氮素利用的影响 刘阿康 作物杂志 1001-7283 (02) 116 123 370 不同土壤条件下化学调控对小麦产量和品质的影响 王玉娇 作物杂志 1001-7283 (2) 96 100 371 Comparative analysis of genetic diversity of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties cultivated in different periods in China Ruyu Tang GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION 0925-9864 68(4) 1439 1451 372 Effect of latitude on maize kernel weight and grain yield across China- Nazia Baloch;;Wanmao Liu AGRONOMY JOURNAL 0002-1962 113 1172 1182 373 DHD4, a CONSTANS-like family transcription factor, delays heading date by affecting the formation of the FAC complex in rice 朱杉杉 Mol. Plant 1674-2052 14(2) 330 343 374 Transcriptional activation and phosphorylation of OsCNGC9 confer enhanced chilling tolerance in rice 任玉龙 Mol. Plant 1674-2052 14(2) 315 329 375 Enhanced OsNLP4‐OsNiR cascade confers nitrogen use efficiency by promoting tiller number in rice Jun Yu,Wei Xuan Plant Biotechnol. J. 1467-7644 19(1) 167 176 376 OsRE1 interacts with OsRIP1 to regulate rice heading date by finely modulating Ehd1 expression Shanshan Zhu;;Chaonan Li Plant Biotechnol. J. 1467-7644 19(2) 300 310 377 Homology-mediated inter-chromosomal interactions in hexaploid wheat lead to specific subgenome territories following polyploidization and introgression Jizeng Jia;;Chuizheng Kong GENOME BIOLOGY 1474-760X 22(1) 1 20 378 The miR172/ IDS1 signaling module confers salt tolerance through maintaining ROS homeostasis in cereal crops Xiliu Cheng New Phytol. 0028-646X 230(3) 1017 1033 379 Cloning and functional characterization of auxin receptor TIR1 in Gossypium hirsutum Wu Yu Acta Physiol. Plant. 0137-5881 43(3) 49 49 380 Wheat MADS-box gene TaSEP3-D1 negatively regulates heading date Lei Zhang;;Hao Zhang Crop J. 2214-5141 9 1 9 381 利用东乡普通野生稻染色体片段置换系定位产量相关性状QTL 罗兰 作物学报 0496-3490 47.0(7.0) 1391.0 1401.0 382 Simplified methods of estimating fermentable sugar yield in sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] stems Mei-Qi Yue Industrial Crops and Products 0926-6690 169.0 1 7 383 Peptides Released from Extruded Adzuki Bean Protein through Simulated Gastrointestinal Digestion Exhibit Anti-inflammatory Activity Shi Zhenxing journal of agricultural and food chemistry 0021-8561 69 7028 7036 384 Genetic differentiation and restricted gene flow in rice landraces from Yunnan, China: effects of isolation-by-distance and isolation-by-environment Di Cui Rice 1939-8425 14.0(1.0) 1 14 385 增密对少分枝大豆品种光合特性和产量形成的影响 李瑞东 大豆科学 1000-9841 40.0(5.0) 633.0 642.0 386 Transcription Factor TaWRKY51 Is a Positive Regulator in Root Architecture and Grain Yield Contributing Traits 李玉莹;张艳菲;李超男 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 1 19 387 The wheat SHORT ROOT LENGTH 1 gene TaSRL1 controls root length in an auxin-dependent pathway 庄梦佳;李超男;王景一 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 0022-0957 Vol. 72, No. 20 6977 6989 388 TaERF73 is associated with root depth, thousand-grain weight and plant height in wheat over a range of environmental conditions 杜燕;李超男 Food and Energy Security 2048-3694 18 1 15 389 榨糖收贮模式玉米秸秆蒸汽爆破预处理条件优化 王晓龙 太阳能学报 0254-0096 1 1 5 390 Engineering Broad-Spectrum Resistance to Bacterial Blight by CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Precise Homology Directed Repair in Rice 卫正 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 14(8) 1215 1218 391 Modified expression of TaCYP78A5 enhances grain weight with yield potential by accumulating auxin in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Lijian Guo;Meng Ma PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 10.1111/pbi.13704 1 15 392 A virus-derived siRNA activates plant immunity by interfering with ROS scavenging 张晓祥 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 14.0(7.0) 1088.0 1103.0 393 Association Analysis Revealed That TaPYL4 Genes Are Linked to Plant Growth Related Traits in Multiple Environment 薛应红;王景一 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12.0 1 14 394 Cloning and Characterization of TaSAP7-A, a Member of the Stress-Associated Protein Family in Common Wheat Wenlu Li;Yixue Wang Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 12 1 15 395 Administration with Quinoa Protein Reduces the Blood Pressure in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Modifies the Fecal Microbiota Huimin Guo Nutrients 2072-6643 13 无 无 396 Small noncoding RNA discovery and profiling with sRNAtools based on high-throughput sequencing Qi Liu;;Changjun Ding;;Xiaoqiang Lang Brief Bioinform 1467-5463 22(1) 463 473 397 Profiling and associations of seed nutritional characteristics in Chinese and USA soybean cultivars Muhammad Azam;;Shengrui Zhang;;Jie Qi;;Ahmed M. Abdelghany JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS 0889-1575 98 1 10 398 Identification of Rice Blast Loss-of-Function Mutant Alleles in the Wheat Genome as a New Strategy for Wheat Blast Resistance Breeding Huijun Guo;;Qidi Du Frontiers in Genetics 1664-8021 12 1 11 399 Evaluation of dsRNA delivery methods for targeting macrophage migration inhibitory factor MIF in RNAi-based aphid control Shaoshuai Liu Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 1861-3829 128.0(5.0) 1201.0 1212.0 400 Rotation regimes altered macrofaunal biodiversity and trophic structure in a rice-based double cropping system at Jiangsu, China Yang, R.P.;; Qi, Y.K. 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